Chau Tien Beer

4.5% alcohol by volume. All American malts and Northwestern hops, purest water, and brewer's yeast.

Chau Tien Emperor Ale

10.5% alcohol by volume. A complex blend of European and American malts, American and European hops, purest water, and brewer's yeast. This brew is considered a barley wine.

Chau Tien Pale Ale

5.7% alcohol by volume. American and European malts, Cascade and Centennial hops, purest water, and brewer's yeast. This brew is the connoisseur's all-time favorite.

Beer Store - Beer Styles and Gears

Cháu Tiên® T-Shirt Offer

$12 short sleeve and $15 long sleeve

  1. Indicate your size
    (available in all sizes)
  2. Indicate your color
    (black, burgundy, or blue)
  3. Shipping & Handling,
    add $3 per item
  4. California residents add
    7.5% sales tax
  5. Make check payable to:
Cháu Tiên® USA
PO Box 221185
Carmel, CA 93923

Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery.

Thank you!

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"Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous." - Sir Thomas Browne